Christian Aid 2023 UPDATE

Christian Aid 2023 UPDATE

Christian Aid 2023 UPDATE

# News

Christian Aid 2023 UPDATE

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 14th – 20th May 2023

THANK YOU! to everyone who supported our Christian Aid appeal this year!

The Delivery only envelopes (including a charity cheque) produced £594.02 

STOP PRESS!! Another £120 has taken this total to £714.02

The Big Brekkie raised £520.20, so a total for Christian Aid Week of £1234.22

In addition since January we have already raised £694.39 during the Lent lunches and the Zumba group held a coffee morning which raised £37.00, making a total of £731.39

This means so far this year we have raised £1965.61 for the world's poorest people!

Many thanks to Sue Flood for organising the Christian Aid Week collection and the Big Brekkie, and to the soup makers and Zumba dancers for their hard work and generosity! To find out more about Christian Aid's work go here

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