Notes from the last PCC Meeting

Notes from the last PCC Meeting

Notes from the last PCC Meeting

# News

Notes from the last PCC Meeting

Summary of the PCC meeting 26th September 2024

After prayers, apologies & welcome, the minutes of the meeting of 11th July were agreed. 

Matters arising

Church windows: currently in week 3, unlikely to be finished by 4th October, services going OK in the church hall.

St. Francis House: The new boiler has gone in, brickwork required. 


Windows: The £10,000 gift day target was exceeded. So far £10,166 raised and more coming in from individuals and events. With Gift Aid and legacies, the £53,000 cost should be exceeded to help meet the £6,000 contingency.  Decorating next!

Parish Share: the diocese has requested an 8% rise to £60,903. On current projections this would mean a £9000 deficit in 2025. After discussion we deferred a decision for further deliberation.

Rent increases: On 1st January rent on St Francis House and car parking will rise 2.5%.  Hall rental will stay the same for regular users (£23.50ph) but any new businesses will be £25ph.  The party rate will rise to £23ph. It was suggested that we could produce a brochure to market the Hall.

Toddler Group donations: The group would like to purchase items for children in church and/or Tea & Toast 


All PCC members have completed training, our Safeguarding Dashboard is at 95%. The PCC approved Art-Venture which meets on Mondays in the hall.  The next RCG will discuss a procedure for when someone becomes unwell at church 

Eco Church:  Litter pick: This was a success with 17 helpers, some from the local community. Councillor Taylor provided pickers and hi-vis tabards. Next one is 10am on October 5th.

Gold Award: Working towards our Arocha gold eco-award, we have Gold in three categories but need more work done on the Land and Building Sections. It will be discussed at the next Eco- group meeting. We will also look at improving our Lifestyle section to make sure our Gold standing is justified.

Heaton Churches Together (HCT):

Heaton Festival was a great success. Our stall was better placed in the main “village”. HCT organised a showing of the film “The Letter” about the Climate Crisis, at St Theresa’s Church. Seven people from St Francis attended.

East Deanery Synod:

The East Deanery Synod is now quite a small gathering! Two Churches have no vicar – St Anthony`s and St. Mary Magdelene, although the latter has self-supporting clergy. There are very few Readers in the deanery. The vicars of St Oswald’s and St Bartholomew’s have asked us to talk to them about Eco-church.

Future dates:

Transitus service                                    6.30pm Thursday 3rd October

St Francis Day Eucharist                      6.30pm Friday 4th October      

Litter pick & St Francis-tide Ceilidh  10am & 6pm Sat 5th October

Dedication Festival                              10am Sunday 6th October

Stewardship Sunday                              10am Sunday 20th October

MU coffee morning & gardening      10am Saturday 19th October      

Christmas Fair                                       Saturday 30th November

Christmas Carol Service                      6pm Sunday 22nd December

Crib Service                                              6pm Tuesday 24th December

Midnight Mass                                        11.30pm Tues 24th December

Christmas Eucharist                               10am Weds 25th December

Next meeting: Thursday 14th November 2024 at 7pm

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