02/07/2024 0 Comments
Notices for Sunday 17th May
Notices for Sunday 17th May
# Notices
Notices for Sunday 17th May
East End Food Bank
St. Teresa's Church in Heaton now have their porch open every Thursday afternoon from 2pm - 4pm to drop off food donations to the foodbank. There is a hand sanitiser available and a one way sytem through the porch to maintain social distancing.
You can see what is needed or just donate money via their website:
Christian Aid
Thnank you to everyone who supported our Virtual House to House Collection for Christian Aid. We raise £2049 and in addition Jenny Freeman raised over £300 in a sponsored 24 hours silence, which was a great achievement. Well done Jenny!
Green Tip
With new plants in the garden and the sun shining, we need to do our watering. If we keep a bowl in the sink and collect all the water we use for washing fruit and vegetables during the day, as well as washing up water, we can use it for watering the garden. Having received this tip and given it a trial, I find that it is best to keep pouring it into a watering can then water in the normal way – but fish out the bits of lettuce leaf to avoid blocking the spout of the watering can!! Another way of recycling water is to use the water which collects in the tumble drier which normally gets tipped down the sink.
High Heaton Weather Report April 2020
Easter 2020 will be remembered for years to come for reasons that we are all too aware. It was also noteworthy temperature-wise as all of April’s extremes occurred over the Easter weekend!
The month’s warmest day was Good Friday, with a maximum temperature of 19.4°C. This was also the warmest Good Friday for at least 25 years.
In contrast the maximum temperature on Easter Monday was only 7.3°C, making it the coldest day of the month. That evening the temperature fell to -1.7°C, the lowest of the month.
Looking at April as a whole, the most notable feature was how dry it was, the total rainfall being only 2mm. I have been keeping rainfall records for nearly 30 years, and this was the least rain in any month in that period. The next driest was April 1997 with 4mm.
John Telfer