02/07/2024 0 Comments
Notices for Sunday 26th April 2020
Notices for Sunday 26th April 2020
# Notices

Notices for Sunday 26th April 2020
Green Tip
It is not easy to recycle during lockdown and it can be very tempting to put things we would normally recycle ourselves, into the bin! Please keep the faith and store them because after all this cannot last for ever. Even if we, over 70s are not allowed out for a bit longer maybe we can enlist some of our younger friends to recycle for us. I have a bulging bag of crisp packets for the Freeman hospital, a pile of books, old fabrics for H&M and empty bottles for the Body Shop, but, as my Dad would have said "they are not eating any meat" so can just accumulate!
New recycling information for after lockdown is that empty toothpaste tubes and toothbrush heads can be recycled at the Dental hospital - level 5. Also chocolate and biscuit wrappers as well as bread bags can be recycled at the Springfield Community centre at Forest Hall. Thank you, Jane, for that information.
Looking after yourself during Social isolation
We have established a blog post for sharing ideas for looking after yourself during this season of separation. Please let us know if you have ideas or wisdom to share with others! The blog post can be accessed HERE
Catherine Saeed has composed a self-help sheet which you can read HERE
Fund-raising for NHS charities
Ciara Weddle is raising funds for NHS Charities, please support her if you can! Here is link to her Just Giving Page: