02/07/2024 0 Comments
Lent 2020
Lent 2020
Lent 2020
# Notices
Published by Jon Cooper on Friday, 21 February 2020 13:18
Lent 2020
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 26th February and the Church of England invites us to #LiveLent by caring for God's creation. We are planning a full program of activities at St Francis:
- Stations of the Cross every Sunday at 6pm (Palm Sunday - Ecumenical Stations at St Gabriel's, Heaton)
- Thursday Quiet Evenings 7.30pm-8.30pm including Compline
- Weekly soup lunch on Tuesdays (12.30pm-1.30pm) for Christian Aid
- Weekly Book Group looking at the Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 'Say Yes to Life' by Ruth Valerio available from Amazon, Wordery, hive or other retailers - or speak to Jon or Robert). There will be a daytime (Thursday Mornings 11am - starting Thursday 27th February in the Vicarage) and an evening (Monday evening 7.30pm - starting on Monday 9th March in Church) group, so pick whichever is best for you!
Have a think about what you might like to come to or be interested in! For more information about any of these events get in touch!
Have a blessed Lent!