02/07/2024 0 Comments
Celebrating our 70th anniversary
Celebrating our 70th anniversary
# News
Celebrating our 70th anniversary
Celebrating 70 years of St Francis Church
Sunday 1st October 10am The Feast of Dedication
A service to give thanks for all who have contributed to the life of our church. We will dedicate a gift of linen from the family of George Render in memory of his faithful witness, and there will be bulb planting after the service. There will also be a display of photographs images and other memorabilia.
Tuesday 3rd October 6.30pm The Transitus
A unique Franciscan service to mark the death of St Francis of Assisi. The service lasts about half-an-hour and includes music, hymns, silence and prayers, and a re-telling of the story of St Francis’s journey from earth.
Wednesday 4th October 7.30pm St Francis Day
A sung eucharist with the Bishop of Newcastle, the Right Reverend Dr Helen-Ann Hartley as our president and preacher.
There will be a celebration cake and sparkling drinks, and another chance to see the display of pictures and memorabilia from the past 70 years. This will be Bishop Helen Ann’s first visit to St Francis church, please do come and greet her!
Saturday 7th October from 6pm Francis-tide Ceilidh
Sunday 8th October Farewell to Yvette
Yvette will preside and preach at 10am on her final Sunday with us. There will be a bring and share lunch afterwards and everyone is warmly invited to join us!